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Erectile Dysfunction

What is?

Erectile dysfunction is the recurrent inability to achieve and maintain an erection that allows a satisfactory sexual experience. Previously called impotence, a term that has been replaced due to its non-specific and stigmatizing nature.

How common is it?

It is a common situation and it tends to increase with age. Worldwide, it is thought that 1 in 10 men may suffer from erectile dysfunction.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical and/or psychological changes.

Any man can experience some degree of erectile dysfunction throughout life. Some cases can result from stress, tiredness, anxiety and/or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. However, the concern about this initial “failure” often leads to fear of future “failures” leading to excessive concern about the loss of erection that has occurred, and the man is not able to enjoy sexual intercourse.

What are the physical causes of erectile dysfunction?

Physical erectile dysfunction usually has a gradual onset and tends to occur in all types of sexual activity.

Some physical causes include:

  • Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (Diabetes, Tobacco, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Physical inactivity).
  • Conditions that alter nerve conduction (cerebrovascular accidents, pelvic surgery, diabetes and/or serious nerve damage).
  • Chronic diseases such as kidney or liver failure.
  • Adverse effects of some prescription drugs.
  • Alcoholic beverages (and other addictive substances).

What are the psychological causes of erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction that appears suddenly and in men who manage to maintain an erection in some situations suggests a psychological cause, and it is sometimes easy to identify the responsible factor.

Some psychological causes include:

  • Stress or anxiety about personal and/or professional life.
  • Marital conflicts.
  • Sadness.
  • Decreased desire.
  • Issues related to sexual orientation.
  • Excessive body concerns.
  • Myths about sexual functioning.

What should you do if you suspect erectile dysfunction?

Lifestyle changes (exercise, diet, decreasing alcohol consumption, quitting smoking) can be initiated while seeking help from the best sexologist in Delhi. It is important to remember that in recent years innovative and effective treatments for erectile dysfunction have appeared.

Do not purchase medication/treatments (particularly over the internet) without a doctor’s prescription and without checking the contributing factors.

Should I discuss the case with my better half?

Yes. A man can feel a lot of pressure to have a good “performance” which can lead/aggravate erectile dysfunction. Discussing this situation with the other person can improve the situation.

Is age an impediment to seeking help?

No. Aging increases the risk of erectile dysfunction, but it is shame, not age, that is the biggest barrier to seeking help.

Sexual health is just as important as other aspects of health, and you should seek help from a sex specialist in Delhi if you have a problem without fear or shame.