low libido-low sex desire treatment in Delhi

Libido, or sex drive, is an extremely complex process; changes in the daily and monthly cycles, because it is directly related to the hormonal economy, and a short-term decline is a physiological phenomenon and it happens to everyone. Instead, decreased libido for a long time should worry, especially when the condition is not associated with taking medication. Learn some facts about libido – what are the factors causing its decline and low libido/low sex desire treatment in Delhi?

What is libido and how is it conditioned?

Sexual desire is a natural feeling for everyone and satisfying it is a basic need. It can be defined as a state of sexual activity, motivation, and interest in relation to the person being the object of desire.

Libido changes in different periods of human life. In boys, it is strongest in adolescence, when interest in sex arises and remains high until around 35 years of age, after which it gradually decreases. Libido in women is highest in adulthood, persists until about 45 years, and falls during menopause.

Hormones are responsible for sex drive and they regulate libido, which changes in the monthly and daily rhythm. In women, the desire for sex is increased by estrogens secreted especially in the first stage of ovulation, and after ovulation, progesterone reduces the desire for sex. Libido in men is mainly associated with testosterone levels.

Decreased libido – what does it mean and how can it be caused?

Short-term reduction of the desire to have sex is not a disorder and may be associated with many factors, for example, colds, stress, worse mood, or emotional states. It usually goes away on its own, but if your lowered libido lasts for a long time and is associated with erectile dysfunction, look for the cause of the problem.

The decrease in libido in men and women is most often caused by:

• Hormonal disorders – a common and unfortunately the most difficult factor to reverse, affecting the lack of libido and infertility are hormonal disorders. Both sex hormone and thyroid hormone problems and neurotransmitter problems can cause sexual dysfunction. In addition, hormonal disorders in women can result from poorly matched hormonal contraception or be the result of diseases.

• Drugs – some medications can reduce libido and decrease sexual performance. These include, in particular, antihypertensives, psychotropic and antidepressant drugs. The problem should be reported to the sexologist in Delhi, maybe you can find another medicine that will not affect the quality of sex life.

• Stimulants – a decrease in male libido may be caused by alcohol abuse or smoking. Stimulants have a negative impact on sexual performance and sex drive.

• Stress, fatigue, relationship problems – emotional factors such as stress at work, at home, relationship problems, trauma, etc. can reduce libido and make you feel like having sex. Stress is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction in men.

• Diseases – every disease is associated with a burden on the body. Low libido be caused by a cold, but after a period of illness the urge returns to normal. Long-term decrease in libido can be caused by chronic diseases, especially: diabetes, anemia, obesity, cardiovascular problems, hypertension, thyroid disease, and cancer.

• Bad diet, vitamin and mineral deficiencies – diet is crucial for health and well-being. If you want to enjoy sexual performance, take care of what is on your plate. Fat, undifferentiated meals, poor in plant products, containing little vitamins and minerals (protein, fats and carbohydrates are not everything) make a person feel lazy and do not feel like sex. Bad diet and low libido go hand in hand.

• Lack or excessive movement – the lack of physical activity contributes to the development of many diseases, especially the cardiovascular system, which can cause erection problems. Movement releases endorphins and makes us smarter, happier and more eager for sex. However, be careful not to overdo it, because too much physical exertion is not beneficial.

How to improve your libido? Proven ways

There are many ways to increase libido. If your reduced sexual activity is not associated with hormonal changes, illness or medication, you can try low libido/low sex desire treatment in Delhi to increase libido. For this, you will need to consult a sexologist in Delhi.

Ways to manage low libido

Libido problems can affect anyone regardless of age or gender. What to do when our sexual needs turn out to be lower than what our partner expects from us, or even ourselves?

  1. Take the basic disease therapy. If the decrease in libido is a consequence of illness, pharmacotherapy, psychiatric disorders or abuse of psychoactive substances, agree with your sexologist in Delhi how to treat the underlying condition or modify the treatment.
  2. Talk to your partner and tell him about your concerns. Together, think about whether your sex life has really deteriorated recently and whether you notice any changes in your behavior and your own sexual needs.
  3. Exclude other “natural” causes. Remember that reduced interest in sex occurs in stressful situations, during pregnancy, puerperium, menopause. Relationship problems and crises are not conducive to sexual activity. Anxiety should be caused by a decrease in interest in the sexual sphere, which lasts longer than 6 months.
  4. Consider your and your partner’s age. It is natural that with age or the duration of your relationship, your needs may decrease, but they should not disappear completely.
  5. Tell openly about your sexual needs. Suppressing hidden desires also negatively affects libido. Variety of intimate life and the search for new ways to fulfill yourself as a lover will allow you to enjoy sex again.
  6. Think about effective forms of contraception. Fear of an unwanted pregnancy can be a serious reason for limiting withdrawal. Due to contraception which is generally available today, it is less and less often the cause of libido problems.
  7. Fight complexes. How we assess our attractiveness and sexuality has a great impact on libido. If we do not accept our own physiognomy, we will most likely avoid intimate contact. The same applies to the fear of being good lovers.
  8. Assess partner needs. The problem of reduced interest in sex may result from the partner’s troubles. Avoiding sexual intercourse due to stress, fatigue, erection problems or improper vaginal lubrication also indirectly affect the other person’s interest in the intimate sphere.